80 families receive the support they need thanks to BRAAIN event

BRAAIN held their very first marketplace event for parents in October. Over 20 charities and organisations were on hand to tell parents about the services that they offer and how they help families with children with special needs.
BRAAIN set the event up to help parents find the information they so desperately need. It can be very overwhelming and isolating parenting a child with special needs but there are lots of organisations that can help.
Over 80 families attended the event. These families were able to find out about completing an Education Health and Care Plan, how a therapy dog can help a child and discover more about courses and workshops that are available for parents with children with autism. (and lots, lots more!)
We want to thank all of the organisations that attended the event, we have received fantastic feedback from families telling us how valuable they found the session.
‘I came away from the event armed with lots of information on how I can support my child. Great event, thanks so much for organising!’ Parent attendee
Thank you to all of the families that attended too, we hope you found it useful.
We’re be putting on another event next year. If you have any suggestions for the next one, please do let us know, we’d love to hear from you.