BRAAIN Launches!

BRAAIN is now officially launched! The last two days seem to have disappeared in a flash. The launch went extremely well, better than we could have ever hoped for. For those of you that have missed details of our launch here’s a run down for you.
On Friday BRAAIN headed to Guildford to meet the lovely bunch of people at Eagle Radio to tell them all about the organisation and how it is going to benefit so many families. Meanwhile, BRAAIN was also making keyrings and baking cakes (ok, so maybe not baking…we may have had some help from a supermarket baker!)
8am on Saturday we all tuned in to Eagle, BRAAIN was one of the main news stories being played every hour!
12pm we set up the room ready for the big launch! Balloons, laptops to showcase the website, banners, a few bubbles (the alcoholic kind of course) even street signs.
We then headed into Farnborough to meet with some of our lovely councillors to give them a run down on our new organisation and our plans for the future.
Then back to our launch pad…last minute preparations, last minute read through of the speech and we’re on!!
4pm arrival of our very special guests. All of our guests have supported BRAAIN and us from the beginning.
4.20pm was all about the speeches, one from our very own lovely Helen! Then a lovely speech from one of our local counsellors. Followed by a speech from one of the ladies that we have been working with at the local Clinical Commissioning group, she managed to make us all speechless (which doesn’t happen very often) by announcing that they were awarding us with £1,000!
We then drank bucks fizz, ate cake and ate more cake…
Thank you so much to absolutely everybody that has supported us…we have met some truly fantastic people along the way! You are all amazing, please continue to support us…we promise we’ll do you proud!